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About Kim's Farmacy

Hi, I'm Kim. Kim's Farmacy

 merges my love of natural health, healing, gardening and delicious food.


Every aspect of the business is implemented by me, so you can be certain you will receive my very best product.


All microgreens are grown veganically (veganic agriculture is organic agriculture that is free from farmed animal inputs), which in turn, prevents soil born illness.


I grow in food safe, BPA free trays in a climate controlled grow room on vertical racks.


OMRI certified organic coconut coir is my grow medium of choice, and I use only USDA certified organic and non GMO seeds.


All crops are hydrated with R.O. purified water free of flouride and given the perfect environment and care needed to flourish into the most powerful of superfoods.


I offer my crops alive and at their highest nutritional peak in compostable sugarcane and bamboo containers, ready for you to harvest at your convenience.

garden microgreens

About Kim's Farmacy

I was born and raised in Austin, and grew up gardening with my family. Gardening has been a font of healing and joy for me throughout my life.


I have found nature to be my greatest teacher, so I decided to earn a B.S. in Geography: Resource and Environmental Studies, with a minor in Horticulture. In my earlier years, I worked in garden nurseries where I learned much about flora and the importance of working with nature and using organic principles to support our fragile and unique ecosystem. 


Over the last decade, several of my loved ones were diagnosed with cancer, and I was developing issues with inflammation in my joints, which made the career I had loved, and had done for most of my life (Massage Therapy), quite difficult. 


So! I was extremely motivated to find beneficial ways to heal and support their immune systems while they were going through cancer treatment (thankfully, they are all doing well now)! And, I, at the same time, was searching for my own healing through ways of lowering inflammation with a healthy diet. 


I came across the amazing and heavily documented scientific studies on the cancer and inflammation fighting compounds, such as Sulforaphane, found in broccoli sprouts and Microgreens. 


I soon began growing Microgreens for myself, my family and friends, and with the onslaught of covid, put my energy into creating a business that allows me to share these incredibly healing plants with my community and the world at large. 


I am so very excited to begin this new chapter in my life and invite you to come along!



Microgreens are 100% Non-GMO and Grown Without Chemicals

Stewie, Texas Squirrel Ranger, Recommends Eating Microgreen   Superfoods Everyday. 




Sustainable Agriculture

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